Coffee Maker
Please retain these instructions for future reference
Thank you for choosing this coffee machine. To get the very
best out of your new coffee machine it is advisable to read
these instructions before using the appliance. This is the only
way to ensure optimum results and maximum safety.
Using for the first time
Before using the machine for the first time, wash all the acces-
sories in warm soapy water and rinse. For the best tasting coffee
the internal circuits must be flushed through at least five times.To
do this follow the instructions in the paragraph “How to prepare
espresso coffee” using just water.
Place the coffee maker on flat work surface at a safe distance
from taps and sinks.
Check that the voltage corresponds to that indicated on the
appliance rating plate.The appliance must always be connected
to a well-earthed socket rated at 10A minimum.The manufac-
turer is not liable for damage caused by inadequate earthing of
the appliance.
In the event of incompatibility between the plug on the appli-
ance and the socket, have the plug replaced by a qualified pro-
If the cable is damaged or requires replacing, contact a service
centre authorised by the manufacturer only.
Never install the machine in an environment that can reach a
temperature less than or equal to 0°C (if the water in it
freezes, the coffee maker may be damaged).
When the machine is in operation, any additional cable can be
stored in the machine by inserting it back into the cable supply
The power cable can be positioned to the right or left, depend-
ing on where the nearest power outlet to the appliance is locat-
ed, by lodging it in the corresponding guides underneath the
appliance (Fig. 1).
When changing the position of the power cable, check that it is
properly secured by the special clips underneath the appliance
(Fig. 1)
fig. 1
Coffee Maker
How to prepare espresso coffee
Filling the water tank
To remove the water tank lift the lid (fig.2) and simply pull
upwards (fig 3) and fill the tank at the sink (fig 4). Do not exceed
the MAX level on the water tank. The tank may also be filled with-
out removing it, simply by pouring water into it directly from a jug.
Replace the tank by connecting the valve at the bottom of the tank
with the hole in the base on the machine.
WARNING: it is completely normal for there to be water in the
compartment under the tank; as a result, this compartment should
be dried using a clean sponge.
fig. 2
fig. 3
fig. 4
fig. 5
fig. 6
Note: Do not operate the appliance without water in the tank
and always remember to fill the tank when the level drops to a
couple of centimetres from the bottom.
Preheating the coffee machine
To ensure your espresso coffee is dispensed at the right tempera-
ture it is essential that the coffee unit is preheated.
1. Turn the selector knob so that the indented line on the selec-
tor points to the boiler “ON” function
next to will come on.
(fig. 5). Red light
2. Attach the empty filter holder (without coffee) to the machine
by positioning it under the boiler outlet with the handle
towards the left (fig 6). Push upwards and at the same time turn
the handle as far right as possible. It does not matter if the
handle is not centrally aligned with the machine, as long as the
filter holder is firmly attached to the appliance.
3. Position a cup under the filter holder. Use the same cup that
the coffee will be served in, so that it may be preheated.
4. Wait until the “OK” light comes on (fig 7) and turn the selector
knob to the espresso function
position (fig 8). Allow
water to flow until the “OK” light goes out, then stop the flow
of water by turning the selector knob to the boiler “ON” func-
(fig 5)
5. Empty the cup, wait until the “OK” pilot light comes on again
and repeat the whole operation one more time.
(It is normal for a small and harmless puff of steam to be given off
when removing the filter holder).
fig. 7
fig. 8
Coffee Maker
How to prepare espresso coffee
1. After carrying out the preheating of the machine as described
in the preceding section, in order to make just one cup of
espresso coffee, insert the 1-cup filter (the smaller of the two
provided) into the filter holder (Fig. 9) and fill it with one level
measuring spoon of ground coffee (fig. 10) – about 7 grams. If
you wish to prepare two cups of espresso coffee, use the 2-cup
filter (the larger of the two provided) and fill it with two less-
than-level measuring spoons of ground coffee (about 6+6
IMPORTANT: for correct operation, before adding the
ground coffee to the filter holder, make sure the filter is
free from ground coffee from the previous infusion.
2. Distribute the ground coffee evenly and press it lightly with the
coffee tamper (Fig. 11).
fig. 9
fig. 10
fig. 11
fig. 12
NOTE:Pressing the coffee is very important in order to prepare
a good coffee. However if you press too hard, coffee will come
out slowly and crema will be of a dark colour. If you press to
light, coffee will come out too fast and crema will be a very light
3. Remove any excess coffee from the rim of the filter holder.
Attach the filter holder to the machine by positioning the handle
to the left of the boiler outlet, then pushing upwards and turning
the handle to the right (as in preheating the machine fig. 6).
4. Place the cup or cups (cups can be preheated by rinsing under
hot water) on the removable drip tray (fig 12). Ensure that the
cup or cups line up with the dispensing holes on the filter hold-
er.Turn the selector dial to boiler “ON” function (fig. 5).
5. Wait until the “OK” light comes on (fig 7) then turn the selec-
tor to the espresso function
(fig 8).Allow water to flow
until the “OK” light goes out, then stop the flow of water by
turning the selector to the boiler “ON” function (fig. 5).Your
espresso is now ready.
6. To detach the filter holder, turn the handle from right to left.
To avoid any splashing, do not detach the filter holder
while the machine is dispensing coffee.
7. To remove the used coffee lock the filter with the built-in lever
and let the coffee fall out by knocking the over turned filter
holder (fig. 13).
8. To switch off the coffee machine, turn the selector the OFF
position “O” (fig 14)
fig. 13
Coffee Maker
How to make cappuccino
1. Prepare espresso coffee, using cups that are large enough for
2. Turn the selector knob to the
position (fig. 15) and wait
until the “OK” light comes on (fig. 7) to indicate that the boiler
has reached the ideal temperature for producing steam.
3. Meanwhile, fill a heat resistant container/jug with approximately
3fl. oz. of milk for each cappuccino.The milk should be cooled
from the refrigerator and semi-skimmed as this gives the best
results. In choosing the container, bear in mind that the volume
of the milk will increase by 2 or 3 times.The ideal container to
use is a stainless steel jug.
fig. 14
fig. 15
fig. 16
fig. 17
fig. 18
4. Position the container with the milk in it under the milk frother
(fig 16).
5. Immerse the steam nozzle about 5 mm deep into the milk and
turn the steam release knob in an anti-clockwise direction (fig.
17) (by turning the knob to a greater or lesser extent, it is pos-
sible to vary the quantity of steam that comes out from the nilk
frother).At this point, the milk will begin to increase in volume
and to appear frothy.
6. When the volume of milk has doubled, immerse the steam noz-
zle and continue heating the milk. Once the desired tempera-
ture has been reached (the ideal temperature is 60°C or when
the stainless steel jub is too hot to touch comfortably), stop the
steam by turning the steam release knob in a clockwise direc-
tion and at the same time positioning the selector to the “O”
off position (fig. 14).
7. Pour the frothed milk into the cups containing the espresso
coffee.Your cappuccino is now ready.Add sugar to taste and, if
desired, sprinkle a little powdered chocolate or cinnamon on
top of the froth.
Note: to prepare more than one cappuccino, first make all the cof-
fees then at the end prepare the frothed milk for all the cappucci-
IMPORTANT: always clean the milk frother and steam nozzle
immediately after use. Proceed as follows:
1. Discharge a little steam for a few seconds by rotating the steam
knob (fig. 17).
2. Wait several minutes for the steam tube to cool down.
Unscrew the milk frother by rotating clockwise (fig. 18) and
wash thoroughly with warm water.
3. Make sure the three holes in the milk frother shown in fig. 19
are not blocked. If necessary, clean with a pin.
4. Clean the steam tube, taking care to avoid burns.
5. Screw the milk frother back in place.
Coffee Maker
Producing hot water
1. Turn on the coffee unit by turning the selector knob to the
boiler “ON”
position (fig. 5).
2. Position a container under steam nozzle.
3. When the ‘OK’ light comes on, position the selector at
(fig. 7) and at the same time turn the steam knob in an anti-
clockwise direction (fig. 17); hot water will come out from the
steam nozzle.
4. To stop the flow of hot water, turn the steam knob in a clock-
wise direction and position the selector knob at boiler “O”
position (fig. 14).
fig. 19
fig. 20
fig. 21
fig. 22
fig. 23
Cleaning and maintenance
Cleaning the filter holder
About every 300 coffees or when the coffee drips out of the filter
holder or not at all, clean the ground coffee filter holder as fol-
Remove the filter from the filter holder.
Rinse all components and clean the metal filter thoroughly in
hot water using a brush (fig. 20).
Make sure the holes in the metal filter are not blocked. If neces-
sary, clean with a pin (see fig. 21).
Failure to clean as described above invalidates the guarantee.
Cleaning the espresso boiler outlet
At least twice a year, the espresso boiler outlet must be cleaned as
Check that the coffee machine is not warm and the plug is
removed from the mains.
Using a screwdriver, unscrew the screw that holds the outlet of
the espresso boiler (fig. 22).
Clean the boiler with a damp cloth (fig. 23).
Clean the outlet thoroughly in hot water using a brush. Make
sure the holes are not blocked. If necessary, clean with a pin.
Rinse the outlet under the tap, still scrubbing it.
Replace the outlet of the espresso boiler ensuring the screw is
replaced firmly.
Failure to clean as described above invalidates the guaran-
Other cleaning operations
1. Do not use solvents or detergents when cleaning the coffee
maker. Use a soft, damp cloth.
2. Remove the drip-trays, empty them and wash them periodically
ATTENTION: during cleaning, never immerse the unit in
water – it is an electrical appliance.
Coffee Maker
It is advisable to clean the calcium from the machine every 200
cups of coffee. It is recommended that specific (store-bought)
products for descaling of espresso coffee machines be used. If such
products are not available, it is possible to proceed as follows:
1. Fill the tank with water using 1 litre of water;
2. Dissolve 2 spoonfuls (about 30 grams) of citric acid in the
water (available from chemists);
3. Turn the selector knob to the
‘OK’ light comes on.
position and wait until the
4. Check that the filter holder is not attached and place a contain-
er under the outlet of the machine;
5. Turn the selector knob to the
position and allow half of
the solution in the tank to flow out.Then stop the flow by turn-
ing the selector to the “O” position (fig. 14).
6. Allow the solution to act for about 15 minutes, then start up
the flow again until the tank is completely empty;
7. To eliminate the remains of the solution and the calcium, rinse
the tank well, fill it with clean water and replace.
8. Turn the selector knob to the
the remaining solution in the tank to flow out (fig. 8).
9. Turn the selector knob to the position (fig.5)
position and allow all of
and repeat operations 7 and 8 one more time.
Repairs for malfunctioning caused by problems of calcium
build-up are not covered by the guarantee if the descaling
process described above is not carried out regularly.
Coffee Maker
Problem solving
Lack of water in the tank.
The holes in the filter
holder are blocked.
Fill the water tank.
Clean the holes in the
Espresso coffee no longer
comes out.
The outlet of the espres-
so boiler is blocked.
Clean as indicated in
the “Cleaning the
espresso boiler outlet”
The tank is badly inserted
and the valve at the bot-
tom is not open.
Press the tank lightly so
as to open the valve at
the bottom.
The filter holder is badly
Attach the filter holder
correctly by rotating
firmly as far as it will go.
Have the espresso boil-
er gasket replaced at an
Service Centre
Espresso coffee drips from
the edges of the filter
holder, instead of from its
The gasket of the espres-
so boiler has lost elastici-
The holes in the filter
holder are blocked.
Clean the holes in the
filter holder.
The ‘OK’ pilot light was not
on when the coffee deliv-
ery switch was pressed.
The preheating was not
carried out.
Wait until the OK pilot
light comes on.
The espresso coffee is
Carry out the preheat-
ing as indicated in the
“Preheating the coffee
unit” section.
The cups were not pre-
Preheat the cups by
rinsing them in hot
The water tank is empty.
The tank is inserted
wrongly and the valve at
the bottom is not open.
Fill the water tank
Press the tank lightly to
open the valve at the
The pump is too noisy.
The ground coffee has
not been pressed enough.
The quantity of ground
coffee is scarce.
The coffee is not ground
finely enough.
Tamper the ground cof-
fee down more.
Increase the quantity of
Only use coffee specifi-
cally ground for espres-
so coffee machines.
The coffee crema is light-
coloured (the coffee comes
out quickly from the
Coffee Maker
The ground coffee is too
tightly pressed.
The quantity of ground
coffee is too much.
The espresso boiler out-
let is blocked.
Press the coffee less.
The coffee crema is dark
(the coffee comes out
slowly from the spout).
Decrease the quantity
of ground coffee.
Clean the outlet as
described in “Cleaning
the espresso boiler out-
let” section.
The coffee is too finely
Only use coffee specifi-
cally ground for espres-
so coffee machines.
The unit was not suffi-
ciently rinsed after the
descaling process proce-
Rinse the unit as
described in the “descal-
ing” section.
The coffee has an acidic
The milk is not cold
Always use milk at
refrigerator tempera-
Carefully clean the pin-
holes in the milk frother
The milk does not froth
when making a cappucci-
The cappuccino maker is
Coffee Maker
Safety Warnings
This machine has been built to make coffee and to reheat bev-
erages; please be careful to avoid burns from the sprays of hot
water or steam and avoid any improper use.
When the appliance is in use, do not touch any of the machine’s
hot surfaces.
After unpacking, make sure that the machine is complete and
undamaged. In case of doubt, do not use the appliance and seek
the advice of a qualified service professional.
Packaging materials (plastic bags, foam polystyrene, etc.) should
not be left within the reach of children as this could be a
potential source of danger.
This appliance is to be utilised for domestic use only. Any other
use is to be considered improper and therefore, dangerous.
The manufacturer takes no responsibility for damage derived
from improper use.
Never touch the appliance with wet or damp hands.
Never allow the appliance to be used by children or unfit per-
Do not allow children to play with the appliance.
In case of breakdown or malfunctioning, turn the appliance off
immediately and do not touch. For repairs, please contact a
Service Centre authorized by the manufacturer and request the
use of original replacement parts only. The lack of respect for
this point may compromise the safe use of the appliance.
The power cable must never be replaced by the user. If the
cable should become damaged, or needs to be replaced, please
contact a Service Centre authorized by the manufacturer.
When the appliance is not in use, turn off and disconnect the
plug from the socket.
As with any electrical appliance, whilst the instructions aim to
cover as many eventualities as possible, caution and common
sense should be applied when operating your appliance, particu-
larly in the vicinity of young children.
Coffee Maker
Electrical requirements
Green andYellow to Earth
Before using this appliance ensure that the voltage indicated
on the product corresponds with the main voltage in your
home, if you are in any doubt about your supply contact your
local electricity company.
The flexible mains lead is supplied connected to a B.S. 1363 fused plug
having a fuse of 13 amp capacity. Should this plug not fit the socket out-
lets in your home, it should be cut off and replaced with a suitable plug,
following the procedure outlined below.
13 amp
to Live
Blue to
Cord Clamp
Note: Such a plug cannot be used for any other appliance and should
therefore be properly disposed of and not left where children might find
it and plug it into a supply socket - with the obvious consequent danger.
N.B.We recommend the use of good quality plugs and wall sockets that
can be switched off when the machine is not in use.
important: the wires in the mains lead fitted to this appliance are
coloured in accordance with the following code:
As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this appliance may not
correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals in your
plug, proceed as follows:
The wire which is coloured green and yellow must be connected to the
terminal in the plug which is marked with the letter E or by the earth
or coloured green or green and yellow.
The wire which is coloured blue must be connected to the terminal
which is marked with the letter N or coloured black.
The wire which is coloured brown must be connected to the terminal
which is marked with the letter L or coloured red.
When wiring the plug, ensure that all strands of wire are securely
retained in each terminal. Do not forget to tighten the mains lead clamp
on the plug. If your electricity supply point has only two pin socket out-
lets, or if you are in doubt, consult a qualified electrician.
Should the mains lead ever require replacement, it is essential that this
operation be carried out by a qualified electrician and should only be
replaced with a flexible cord of the same size.
After replacement of a fuse in the plug, the fuse cover must be refitted.
If the fuse cover is lost, the plug must not be used until a replacement
cover is obtained.The colour of the correct replacement fuse cover is
that of the coloured insert in the base of the fuse recess or elsewhere
on the plug.Always state this colour when ordering a replacement fuse
Only 13amp replacement fuses which are asta approved to B.S. 1362
should be fitted.
This appliance conforms to the Norms EN 55014 regarding the sup-
pression of radio interference.
Warning - this appliance must be earthed
Coffee Maker
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